Activities You Can Enjoy In The Danube Delta – A Less-Known Birdwatcher’s Paradise

The Danube Delta is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Romania that marks the place where the Danube River meets the Black Sea. It is a location that is well-known by people that love nature, especially birdwatchers. What many do not know is that this is the second largest and the best preserved of all the deltas in Europe. Travelers from all around the world can easily spend over 3 days in the Danube Delta and never get bored.

While we can easily talk about historic sites and about the exploration options that are available, we will mainly focus on the activities that are really popular among tourists. This is why many visit the Danube Delta. However, the fishing opportunities are also great. Just make sure that you take some mosquito repellent with you since there are many and they can bother you.

Bird Watching

danube delta pelicans

Danube Delta is definitely one of the top 10 best bird watching locations in the entire world. As mentioned in the title, it is a paradise for birdwatchers, mainly because of the fact that there are over 300 species of resident and migratory birds. This includes vultures, cranes, geese, ibises, egrets, eagles, swans, pelicans and cormorants. If you are looking for a perfect stop point between the North Pole and the Equator for the migratory birds, the Danube Delta is perfect as it is located right on parallel 45.

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The really important species that are popular among bird watchers are:

  • White Pelican

Especially visible during March when many white pelicans will leave the Red Sea and the Nile Delta, heading towards Danube Delta for nesting. The largest white pelican breeding population is present in this part of Romania, with optimal viewing between March and October.

  • Dalmatian Pelican

You may want to visit after April since you can also see this majestic bird. The number of these pelicans keep growing every year in the Delta and there are currently around 150 pairs you can see, arranged in small colonies.

  • Small Egret

This is a migratory species that is protected by law. It will nest in smaller willows and is visible in the Danube Delta between April and October.

  • Ferruginous Duck

You should know that the Danube Delta stands out as the best location in the entire continent to see this species that is currently on the decline. Between the months of August and September, many can be seen in Somova Lake, which is west of the city of Tulcea.

  • Glossy Ibis

Around thirty percent of the entire European population is found in the Danube Delta between April and September.

Fishing In The Danube Delta

danube delta birds

Besides bird watchers, fishermen are also drawn towards the Danube Delta. There are around 160 species of salt water and fresh water fish. The fish that you can easily find include:

  • Pike – present in Holbina, Lake Fortuna, Lake Lumina, Lake Rosu and Ulina, from July to December.
  • Crap – present in Sfantu Gheorghe Branch, Chilia Branch, Dunarea Veche and Sontea Channel between July and September.
  • Pike Perch – present in Lake Sinoe, Channel 5 and Sfantu Gheorghe from June to September.
  • Cat Fish – present in Chilia Branch and Sulina Branch in April and from July to October.
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Keep in mind that you will need a permit to be offered during the fishing season by the ARBDD (Administration Of The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve).

About the author

Boris Dzhingarov

I just love to travel, write about travel and so much more! :D Hope you enjoy my articles and Travel Tips. Feel free to comment below and get in touch with me on my blog and on Twitter!