Tips For Planning A Vacation – You Most Likely Do Not Know These

Getting close to a vacation departure date can be a little tricky since you are surely planning for a long time and you have a list that is filled with different things that you have to do. The problem is that you might not actually plan everything properly and you might end up forgetting about some facts that are important. This is what this article is all about, getting you ready for a vacation by highlighting those things that you might forget.

Contact Banks And Credit Card Companies Before You Live

In the event that you plan to use your credit cards on your trip, make sure that you let the banks and CC companies know about that. If you do not, you might end up with your cards being blocked as there is suspicion of identity theft. This is a security measure that few people know about. It would be a shame to ruin a large part of your vacation because of one phone call that you did not make.

Clean Your Home Before You Live

This does not actually seem connected but it is since the feeling that you get when you come back home to a huge mess will make the entire holiday less enjoyable. This is especially true in the event that you come back and the following day you need to go to work.

perfect vacation

One Outfit Should Be Packed In Carry-On Luggage

The chances that your luggage will be lost are really low. That rarely happens. However, it is smart to be prepared. What would happen in the event that your luggage is lost or it remains at the airport and you reach your destination?

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In most cases the luggage will be back in your possession but until that happens, you need to have at least one outfit to change in. That is especially important in the event that you travel to a destination that has a completely different weather as where you live.

Use Compression Sacks Or Space Saver Bags

Most people do not even know that these items exist. You should not be among those people. The compression sacks are particularly useful whenever packing for people that are indecisive and always take too much along with them on their trips.

Bring Versatile Accessories And Footwear With You

You should not waste room for shoes or clothing items that take up so much luggage space and that you will most likely not wear. Only items that can be worn in a combination with multiple outfits should be taken with you. Try to think about those clothes that you can use on various occasions and in various kinds of weather so that you can save space and have a lighter luggage.

Pay Attention To Packing Toiletries

All your toiletries should be put in a separate plastic bag that is basically separate from all other clothes or accessories. You will hate it in the event that you find lotion or shampoo over your clothes when you open the bag. There are many stores that sell Ziploc bags. Buy some and take them with you. Make sure that you take some extra ones so that you can have them for your return trip.

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Roll Clothes When You Pack Them

It is quite interesting to notice that this very useful travel packing tip is not known by people. Rolling clothes is a great idea because of the fact that you can save a lot of space. You will not enjoy the fact that you will have clothes that are a little wrinkled but after all, you will be able to use an iron from most hotels and wrinkle releasers are quite common. As an extra packing tip that is also useful in saving space, put the socks inside your shoes.

Never Pack What You Can Buy At Your Destination

There are way too many people that make lists with items that they might use instead of items that they will use. As a very simple example, you only need to take 1 razor with you since you can buy new razors at your destinations. Try not to add items that you might use on the trip. Stay focused on those items that you will surely use.

Take Duct Tape And Paper Clips With You

This is pretty useful since you never know if you end up with a broken luggage. If that happens, it will be quite hard to take care of it, especially if you are in the airport. When you pack paper clips, you can use them to fix zippers. Alternatively, the duct tape can be utilized in order to tape various broken parts that you have in your luggage.

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Pack Some Extra Plastic Bags

They do not occupy a lot of space and you can always use them for dirty or wet things that might ruin clean things inside your luggage. Remember that you never know what may happen so pack just a few more bags than what you initially wanted to.

Use Ziploc Bags For Children Clothes

A really useful tip is to put the outfit for every single day for your children in a different Ziploc bag. You can simply take out the outfit that you want to have the child wear instead of trying different combinations. You will love the time that you can save in this way.

Take One Sunscreen Stick Instead Of The Entire Bottle

Unless you go to the beach, you will not need a lot of sunscreen. You most likely just need some for your kids and for some areas of your skin. The sticks are tremendous for your packing since they are not liquid and they will occupy a lot less space inside the bag.

After our work at the Travel Tipsor blog, the tips that were mentioned above are those that always help travelers since they are usually not taken into account. We are sure that there are others that you may want to share with your fellow travelers based on past experiences. Do so in the comment section.

About the author

Boris Dzhingarov

I just love to travel, write about travel and so much more! :D Hope you enjoy my articles and Travel Tips. Feel free to comment below and get in touch with me on my blog and on Twitter!