As an around the world traveler, I am constantly crossing into different time zones. I know that jet lag is no laughing matter. Jet lag will leave you with unable to concentrate and function normally due to disturbed sleep and fatigue. Travelling is supposed to be fun, and more often than not, jet lag can come into play leaving you feeling drained rather than ready for an adventure.
Tips on How to Avoid Jet Lag
If you are crossing 2 or more time zones, your body will have to adjust (which may take a whole day for some people). Jet lag is usually worse for adults, but fortunately there are many things you can do to ease symptoms.
Alter your sleeping habits for circadian rhythm change
The circadian rhythm is basically our “biological clock”. It tells us when to be tired based on things like social cues and natural light in our environment. The best thing you can do to ease your way into a dramatically different time zone is to prepare a couple of nights before you take off. If you are travelling east you will benefit by going to bed a half an hour earlier each night and wake up a bit earlier so you can get used to the change.
Plan wisely
If you are taking an around the world trip with many destinations on the itinerary, then get a ticket that allows you to spread out your flights strategically. If you are going from South America to Europe you may cross eight time zones, so you will need to plan yourself some time to rest before moving on. Schedule your next stop on your trip someplace nearby if you can, and give yourself enough time between flights to fully recover from jetlag as well as experience everything the place has to offer.
Psychological preparation
The second you sit down on the plane you must changing your watch to the time of your destination. Getting ready in this way will let you give up your home time zone more easily. If travelling from LA to London, you should set your clocks ahead to make it easier to tell your body it’s time to sleep at night.
Basque in natural light
Get more light in the morning if you traveled west, and more light in the afternoon and early evening if you made a voyage east. The light will help naturally change your circadian rhythm, signally the brain to be more awake.
Consider melatonin
Three milligrams of this natural medicine taken an hour before bed at your new destination may allow you to get to sleep easier. You should allow for 10 hours of sleep to account for the time it takes to hit your bloodstream, as it affects some people more than others.
Yoga for improved sleep
Yoga has been proven to improve the body and mind in so many ways, and relaxation is a big one! For an easy move to do in bed, just move your pillows out of the way and sit facing the wall with your butt about a hand’s length away from it. Lie down on your back and put your heels up on the wall. (You can move your bottom farther from the wall if the stretch is too much). Relax your arms by your side with the palms of your hands facing up. Breathe deeply for 15 minutes at the most. The blood draining out of your exhausted feet actually motions the nervous system to slow down and relax.