Best Bird Watching Spots In Honduras

Best Bird Watching Spots In HondurasWhen it comes to bird watching, Honduras can easily be seen as a secret that Central America has to offer. In the region, Honduras offers the largest forest covered land percentage, more than Belize and Costa Rica. Since there are around 30 cloud forest areas that can be visited in Honduras, there are many tropical rainforests, savannas, coastal lagoons and pine forests as perfect habitats for so many beautiful bird species.

Statistics show that there are 725 bird species in Honduras from 58 families, with new ones appearing almost every year. There are options that are available for both the experienced and the novice birder. If you want to consider bird watching in Honduras, you will want to think about the following destinations.

La Tigra National Park

La Tigra National Park

This is a highly popular Honduras cloud forest, a home for around 171 species. 27 of the species are migratory and 42 can only be found in a cloud forest environment. We can see bird species that are threatened or endangered, as many of the trogon family members and the great curassow. You will want to visit from March to May in order to see the Quetzal during breeding season. This is a bird that hides really well at other times.

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Pico Bonito National Park

Pico Bonito National Park

This is simply a visually spectacular location. In the past few years the tourist developments made here were huge and they did not affect the environment. Tourists find the park as being highly enjoyable and comfortable. Bird watchers can enjoy various species like doves, parrots, kites, hawks, eagles, wood creepers, loons, swallows and even the beautiful hummingbird. If this was not enough for you, some pretty special species like Blue-crowned Motmot, Slaty-tailed trogon and Highland Guan as great examples.

Rio Platano Biosphere

Rio Platano Biosphere

This is a more adventurous location that the bird watcher can enjoy. Together with the neighboring forested areas and national parks, the Biosphere creates an un-fragmented tropical forest, the large to the north of Amazon. There are currently 375 bird species that can be spotted. Many of these are migratory birds and some rare species really hard to locate in other parts of the country are visible here like Great Green, Rufous Kingfisher, Harpy Eagles and Aplomado Falcon.

Tela Bay

Tela Bay

Together with the Lancetilla Botanical Gardens, the Tela Bay is a region that has to be visited by the eager bird watcher. There are different birding opportunities available with wetlands being a pure haven for herons, egrets, sandpipers Roseate Spoonbills, ibis and more. If you visit Tela Bay, you want to also consider Lancetilla Botanical Gardens since it is one of the largest of the world’s tropical gardens. You can get the opportunity of viewing over 300 bird species in the region.

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Yojoa Lake

Yojoa Lake

The Yojoa Lake and the surrounding regions give you access to close to 375 bird species that can be spotted. If you are looking for accessible birding, the Yojoa Lake is something that you can consider. There are so many species that you will see on just one trip so it is a guarantee you will love the experience.

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I love to travel and explore new places around the world. Meeting different people from various intercultural background and spending time with locals is something that makes me feel great. You can connect with me at Google+ or follow me on Twitter.