Sedona, Arizona, is not the typical location you will consider in the event that you want to go bird watching but the place is definitely worth a visit for all birding enthusiasts. Sedona stands out as a wonderful place where you can enjoy nature and relax. If you want to see some pretty interesting birds, you will want to consider 2 main locations, both being quite great.
Oak Creek Canyon
The canyon is just a short drive away from Sedona on Highway 89A. Once you get there you can enjoy red rock formations, quite a lovely stream and a tree lined highway. All you have to do is to stop and you will be able to see many birds. You have access to various places to explore and hike.
Mia’s Place Wildlife Habitat
Make sure that you visit the Tlaquepaque Art Village. The stype of the village is Mexican and you can enjoy various galleries. Close to the village you can visit Mia’s Place Wildlife Habitat. That is where everyone that is new to birding can spend some quality time. The park has many interesting options, including bird feeders, bath and the stream that naturally attracts many species. Every single month there is a bird that is highlighted and that is presented at length. A great time to visit would be August because of the many goldfinches that can be seen.
Canyon Wren
This location is quickly gaining reputation among the people that love grosbeaks and juncos. If you are looking for really top notch bird watching in Sedona, Arizona, this is definitely one opportunity that you are going to want to check out. Canyon Wren is close to Oak Creek so you can always enjoy the local foliage. If you are looking for some really great wildlife photographs of beautiful birds, you will enjoy the feeders installed. The close-ups are going to be quite great.
It has to be mentioned that in Canyon Wren you can also relax as you gaze at a fire and you lay in your bad. Even so you get a really good chance to see a beautiful Western Wood Pewee. Make sure that you seriously consider a stay at Canyon Wren for great bird watching in Sedona, Arizona.