Top Snorkeling Options In Costa Rica

There are many interesting travel activities that can be considered if you go to Costa Rica and what is highly popular at the moment is snorkeling. You would not just find yourself putting on fins and a mask and then looking around. You could experience so much more.

We should mention that one of the best options you could take into account is finding locals that can take you to some areas that are not normally included in tours. Make sure that you consider the following snorkeling options in Costa Rica. You will definitely like them.

Playa Minas

Playa Minas

Playa Minas is located to the south of the popular Playa Conchal. It is quite a hidden virgin beach that is simply beautiful. Some years ago there were bauxite mines at both beach ends. You can still see the rails that led towards the caverns. Great pictures can be seen there. Some people will want to also enjoy spear fishing here but it is definitely the snorkeling that stands out the most. Those snorkeling here can easily enjoy majestic turtles that are agile and elegant as you swim underwater. This location is known as a turtle beach.

Mal Pais

Mal Pais

Mal Pais (sometimes referred to as Malpais) is a great option for those that are looking for snorkeling and various others activities. It is a tremendous place that you can go to in order to avoid the crowded destinations. You will definitely love the natural surroundings and the totally relaxed attitude in the region. If you get bored of snorkeling, you can go for some canopy tours, ride horses on the beach or even go surfing if the weather permits it.

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If you get the opportunity to spend more time in the region, consider Cabo Blanco Absolute Reserve. It is a good day trip that you can easily take from Mal Pais. Just make sure that you talk to the locals first since it is a little difficult to get to the reserve.

The two locations mentioned are just two of the really common snorkeling deals that you can consider if you want to go to Costa Rica for this activity. Remember that all destinations that welcome tourists have various activities that can be enjoyed. Consider all of them.

About the author

Boris Dzhingarov

I just love to travel, write about travel and so much more! :D Hope you enjoy my articles and Travel Tips. Feel free to comment below and get in touch with me on my blog and on Twitter!