Top Tourist Attractions You Should Consider In Venezuela

Top Tourist Attractions You Should Consider In VenezuelaVenezuela is a South American country, located on the northern coast of the continent, known for its diverse natural attractions, breathtaking landscapes and numerous national parks. Venezuela is not considered the safest country to visit, but if you are careful, you’ll be able to have a great vacation and to enjoy some truly unbelievable landscapes.

Today we will focus on the top tourist attraction in Venezuela that should be considered by anyone who plans to visit this nature paradise.

Canaima National Park

Canaima National Park

This park is home to many nature wonders including table-top mountains (tepuis) and the most magnificent waterfall in the world, Angel Falls. Every nature enthusiast knows that Angel Falls is the world’s highest uninterrupted fall with a height of 979 meters, but you cannot truly understand its exquisiteness if you don’t take the time to visit it.

Besides its main attraction, Angel Falls, Canaima National Park is also known for being a UNESCO World Heritage Site where a variety of flora and fauna can be discovered. Mammals (monkeys, armadillos, porcupines, sloths, jaguars, pumas and others) and various bird species (blue-cheeked parrot, cock of the rock, king vulture, paradise tanager and others) live in the tropical climate of the national park.

The Guácharo Cave National Park

The Guácharo Cave National Park is famous for the limestone 10 km long cavern that has numerous chambers and outstanding rock formations. The stalactites and stalagmites from Guácharo Cave are truly imposing and caving enthusiasts will surely enjoy exploring this cave.

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Bird watchers will also be very excited if they visit this national park since the world’s largest oil birds (guácharos) colonies live in the caves located in the Guácharo Cave National Park.

El Ávila National Park

El Ávila National Park

The mountains that surround Caracas, Venezuela’s capital, are home to 100 butterfly species, 500 bird species (including 3 endangered species), 30 reptile species and 20 amphibian species and more than 1800 plant species.

The park is obviously a paradise for nature enthusiasts, wildlife watchers and bird watchers, but it is also a great place for hiking and other mountain activities. Pico Naiguatá has the highest peaks in the region and it has amazing trails for trekking and hiking.

La Llovizna National Park

La Llovizna National Park

The park is home to Llovizna Falls, another beautiful waterfall from Venezuela that is spectacular even though its flow was reduced during the past years. The park is loved by runners who enjoy taking long runs in nature, while admiring beautiful landscapes and incredible stone bridge walkways over the river.

Playa El Yaque

Playa El Yaque

Known as one of the seven best locations in the world for windsurfing and kitesurfing, Playa El Yaque has also some of the clearest waters in the world. Water sports fans can enjoy a diversity of adventures like kitesurfing, scuba diving and snorkeling, but more about these activities you’ll find in this article.

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Médanos de Coro National Park

Médanos de Coro National Park

You wouldn’t expect to see sand dunes at the tropics, right? But these sand dunes are located in Venezuela next to a small town named Coro. If you visit the dunes, make sure you also stop in the town to admire the Spanish colonial architecture.

About the author

Boris Dzhingarov

I just love to travel, write about travel and so much more! :D Hope you enjoy my articles and Travel Tips. Feel free to comment below and get in touch with me on my blog and on Twitter!