3 Paris Adventure Activities You Want To Experience

By Vesi

Paris is renowned for its laid back atmosphere, not for its extreme activities. However, if you are looking for adventure, you will be surprised to notice what is about to be offered. The only problem is that you will need to look a little hard since we are faced with a lack of information about the adventure activities. With this in mind, let us jump start your adrenaline adventure in Paris with some recommendations.

Les Catacombes

Les Catacombes

Les Catacombes is a highly cryptic series of musty, dark tunnels that can be found under Paris, a home for so much art and weird things like neatly stacked skulls and human bones. It is an underground tomb that was created as cemeteries were overcrowded and had to be prepared for deaths expected after the French Revolution. A tour is usually one to 2 hours and many report that they were followed by a suspicious, tall figure wearing a hooded cloak. See if that is true!

Dans Le Noir

Dans Le Noir

Paris is known as The City Of Lights in Europe but if you want something that literally puts you in the dark, how about dining at Dans Le Noir? There is something in the menu for every taste out there and the special appeal is offered by the fact that you will be eating while completely in the dark. Those that are particularly adventurous can take the White Menu, which is basically chef’s choice. You will not know what you eat until you get it, or even after since you are in the dark. This is an experience that is so special, one that you will want to try, catering to all your senses except sight.

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SOUFFLERIE 04 02 2008
SOUFFLERIE 04 02 2008

Do you want to see exactly how you feel when you dive out of an airplane but do not actually want to go up in the air? Then, Aerokart is something that you want to visit because of its free-fall wind tunnel. You can actually end up free falling 12,000 feet while indoors. Isn’t that special and unique? Aerokart is basically the strongest of all the wind tunnels you can visit in the entire world. You will need to pay 70 EURO for the experience but that is actually only a fraction of the risk and costs associated with a regular airplane jump.

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I love traveling and experiencing more from different cultures. This is more than a treasure to me and it is great that my articles reach you. Looking forward to your feedback in the comments below or contact me on Google Plus.