6 Of Copenhagen’s Hidden Gems You Do Want To Experience

Denmark’s Copenhagen is an incredibly popular travel destination that is renowned for its cycling and stunning attractions. However, there are also many other attractions that are not often included in travel packages. This is what we will talk about in the following paragraphs. Here are some hidden gems in Copenhagen that you most likely want to experience.

University Gardens

Some time ago, locals spent Sundays dressing up and then visiting the University Gardens, which are quite romantic. The walk down curvy pathways is picturesque, taking you right across beautiful flower beds, woods, groves, creeks and rose gardens.

If you are interested in tranquil walks and you want peace, the University Gardens are a sure bet, a must-see that should be dedicated enough time to wind up.

Extra tip: If traveling with kids, make sure that you also plan a visit to the zoo since it is close.

Bopa Plads

Bopa Plads is a small square that looks a lot like Berlin. It is located in the Osterbro residential area and could be described as being a pocket of relaxation. Numerous treats await you once you get there. You can have a seat under treetops, grab some lemonade or a beer in a lovely café and simply enjoy the ambience. You will love the cozy atmosphere in a neighborhood that is inviting and colorful.

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Pub crawl tours do not include the location but if you do want to check it out, be sure that you also consider the Pixie café. Also, consider a cocktail from Kitjn.


Kartoffelraekkerne is exactly what you would expect from a Copenhagen visit. It was built during the nineteenth century in order to house the city’s working class. Charming houses are incredibly popular when thinking about places where one could live.

Kartoffelraekkerne was built on top of old market gardens, with the urban layout being really similar to potato rows. The location is cozy and quiet, close to lakes. It is a really popular jogging spot for locals and is filled with cafes and restaurants.

Assistens Kirkegard

One of the highly vibrant and colorful parts of Copenhagen is Norrebro. During a visit you can easily see numerous students, greengrocers, ethnic eateries, bikes and cultures mix. In the neighborhood’s middle you can find the tranquil, lovely Assistens Kirkegard. In actuality, this is a cemetery but also a park, a really charming one that welcomes you with serenity. Numerous grand characters were buried here, including H.C. Andersen. Make sure that you bring a book since the setting is perfect for relaxation.

Ostre Anlaeg

The city of Copenhagen is simply filled with lush greenery spots that are often not noticed. Ostre Anlaeg is a great example of that. It hides right behind the stunning National Gallery Of Denmark. Obviously, when visiting, you can also check out the gallery.

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When visiting, you can enjoy the city’s old moat system and you surely want to take the kids with you for a game of tennis or for some large swing action.


Brumleby is a small community that features children running, cats that are lounging, enjoying the sun, laundry that is hung out to dry, ease and calmness. This is a great example of Denmark early social housing. It is practically a small village that has a huge sense of unity when looking at inhabitants. Brumleby was specifically created for workers in the nineteenth century by the Medical Association of the country.

Final Thoughts

Copenhagen is a truly tremendous travel destination you will absolutely love. It even has Segway sightseeing tours available. This definitely says a lot. If you know of any other hidden gems of Copenhagen, be sure to let us know through a comment below.

About the author

Boris Dzhingarov

I just love to travel, write about travel and so much more! :D Hope you enjoy my articles and Travel Tips. Feel free to comment below and get in touch with me on my blog and on Twitter!