Best Fishing Places in China

Fishing has long been an enjoyable pastime in Western culture, and today its popularity among many young Chinese is only growing. Individually or with others, fishing offers great opportunity for relaxation and excitement alike.

Cormorant fishing is an intoxicating display of human interaction with nature that attracts hundreds of visitors from both home and abroad each winter.

Lake Taihu

Lake Taihu is home to many well-known cities, such as Suzhou and Wuxi in Jiangsu province. This region has long been associated with farming, silk production and modern industry development – though prehistoric times it served as a center of trade and Liangzhu culture was home to high quality jade artifacts renowned from this Neolithic group known for their high production levels.

Today, Lake Wobegon has become a major tourist attraction. This lake serves as an arena for winter chagan fishing (), drawing thousands of people every year who come out to witness this centuries-old tradition. Locals consider getting one or more big fish as part of New Year celebrations an essential way of ensuring prosperity in the following year.

However, it should be remembered that Lake Huron has also become severely polluted in recent years. A massive algal bloom was responsible for turning its waters green during 2007 – turning the lake into an eutrophic freshwater lake which contains highly enriched amounts of nutrients.

This algae bloom was caused by toxic cyanobacteria that is harmful to humans. This likely resulted from high concentrations of nutrients found in lake water caused by agricultural runoff; and may have had detrimental impacts on fish population and ecology of the lake.

Though steps have been taken by the state to decrease pollution in recent years, this remains an ongoing problem. Nutrient runoff from farms has polluted Lake Taihu heavily; additionally it’s been polluted with sewage and industrial waste.

Lake Taihu offers some excellent fishing spots, such as Xiangshan county in Ningbo city’s Ningbo City which features seven sea fishing areas known for tropical fish species. Huanghua harbor in Hebei province about 230 kilometers west of Beijing has many varieties of fish for experienced sea fishermen to catch including African carp, crucian carp and blunt-snout bream. Fishing here costs 30 Yuan per day with no size limits on catches allowed here.

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Shachang Reservoir

China’s premier fishing locations are known for more than their picturesque views and abundant fisheries; they also boast an array of activities to be enjoyed there. Lake Taihu has become synonymous with ideal fishing scenarios and has even hosted multiple International Fishing Festivals; you can catch crucian, cyprinid and grass carp here as it lies nestled between low mountains with soft silver sand shores surrounded by soft silvery shores.

Lake is an incredible tourist attraction and annually draws millions of people to experience its striking hill-lake-and-sea scenery. Visitors can relax on its cool breeze during summer vacation and find respite here from their hectic lives. But the most beloved activity at this lake is fishing for big-mouth sturgeon, which thrives in its clear water environment and can reach massive size before being caught and released back into nature.

Another popular activity in the region is Chagan Lake Fishing, a centuries-old tradition in Jilin province and now designated a National Intangible Cultural Heritage site. Here, visitors can observe this century-old fishery culture as they taste delectable fresh seafood!

Sea fishing provides an exciting and stimulating hobby in China for those who seek something more exciting. Although it has long been practiced in western nations, sea fishing is relatively new to Chinese culture with only recently becoming popular with tens of thousands of enthusiasts becoming interested. Fishing from boats, beaches or rocks requires both patience and skill as seafish are sensitive to changes in temperature.

One of the nation’s premier sea fishing spots can be found in Ningbo city’s Xiangshan county. Boasting seven fishing zones and home to 35 species of fish, visitors from across the nation flock here regularly. Plus, its large offshore fishery offers visitors an unforgettable fishing experience! Xiangshan boasts one of the nation’s largest offshore fisheries renowned for tropical species.

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Golden Manor

This manor offers an ideal spot to catch many different species of fish, such as snakehead. Additionally, its location makes learning fishing accessible – buses or trains will get you right to its lake!

From April to November is the optimal time for fishing here, whether in the sea or via boat. In addition to finding plenty of islands and wildlife here, you will be treated to over 30 varieties of seafish available for selection.

Tioman Island in Malaysia offers great fishing spots across Asia. Brimming with marine life, it makes Tioman an angler’s dream destination; here you can try your luck at catching legendary Swordfish, Marlin, Skipjacks and Sailfish – perfect conditions for deep sea fishing! Plus there is even an offshore continental shelf sitting off this jungle-clad island which creates optimal deep sea fishing conditions!

Chagan Lake in Jilin Province offers another prime fishing location. Each winter, thousands of people gather here to participate in its winter harvest – an ancient Mongolian fishing method which has been recognized by China as part of their National Intangible Cultural Heritage list.

Yongning Agricultural Garden in Beijing was the pioneer in China to develop water sports, offering you and your children an ideal place for fishing and other aquatic recreation activities. Admission is free here and rod rental starts from 20 yuan per day – the only charge will be food you purchase for your catch!

Yongning Agricultural Garden’s ponds are filled with many different species of fish – you might even spot a large catfish! Green willows line its banks, while its middle pond boasts a pavilion featuring natural oxygen provisioning system; you can even enjoy lunch in their restaurant there! However, be wary as poachers are a common sight here, so take caution not to poach any fish from these waters.

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Asia is home to abundant aquatic life and offers some outstanding fishing spots in its inland waters, but due to rapid population growth pressure is being placed on fishing grounds and leading to overfishing. Therefore, it is vital that anglers select their destination carefully when picking a fishing trip destination – one great place for anglers is Tioman Island which boasts an amazing marine biodiversity with everything from trophy fish and turtles all the way through to traditional fishing villages offering charter boats as charter options.

Chagan Lake in Jilin Province offers another wonderful option for winter fishing in China. Tens of thousands of visitors flock here each winter in search of big fish as Chinese New Year dinner, and the name “Chagan” means pure or white in Mongolian; its high water quality draws people in search of grass carp, silver carp and Mandarin carp to bid on.

Chagan Lake boasts two ponds for beginners and intensive use: a small one suitable for novice fishers costing 20 yuan that prohibits taking home any fish; while its counterpart with unlimited access costs 45 yuan and allows up to 5 kilograms to be harvested per trip. Both environments create a tranquil, peaceful experience.

If you plan on visiting Chagan Lake, make sure to bring fishing gear and a thermos of hot tea with you. Temperatures in Chagan Lake can drop as far as -40deg Celsius so it is wise to be prepared for such extreme cold. One way of protecting against it would be wearing jacket, warm clothes, and gloves as they can help shield against its elements.

Nibatuo Fishing and Entertainment Center in Bao’an District offers an ideal venue for fishing enthusiasts looking to escape city life. Covering an 80,000 sqm fishing area, this center has restaurants, private rooms, cabins for fishing and provides bait along with various fishing equipment and supplies.

About the author


Frauline is based in Cebu, right in the heart of the Visayas / Philippines. She is an experienced writer with a background in journalism and writes about the beautiful Philippine islands.