The Best Shark Diving Destinations In The World

Nothing is as thrilling as shark diving when it comes to underwater activities. Getting up and close to these predators is definitely something you will remember for the rest of your life, no matter where you actually go diving. Obviously, there are some that are more interesting than others. While everything referring to shark diving is subjective, we can say that three destinations automatically stand out. They will be listed below.

Beqa Lagoon, Fiji

It is difficult not to mention Beqa Lagoon whenever talking about anything diving related since so many interesting options are available. Fiji is known for the soft, colorful corals. However, there are also tremendous options available for those looking to encounter sharks.

As a simple example, you can visit Aqua-trek, which has been nurturing shark diving for a really long time now and is located right on the south coast of Viti Levu. Many consider this as being the number 1 shark feed dive in the entire world and it is really hard to argue with them. You get a chance of being Pacific lemon sharks, Pacific lemon sharks, silvertip sharks, white tip reef sharks, black tip reef sharks, tiger sharks and gray reef sharks, among other animals.

Cocos Island, Costa Rica

Cocos Island is a tremendous UNESCO World Heritage List site that does offer special natural or cultural importance to human heritage. In a completely natural environment you will get a chance to see white tip reef sharks as they hunt in packs. You surely need to understand the fact that you are safe whenever diving, if you have professionals near you. The white reef sharks here will surely highlight this perfectly since you see that they do not attack humans.

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The Bahamas

By many The Bahamas is seen as the Shark Diving Capital Of The World, a reputation that does not need to be explained as you get there. Longline fishing was banned 20 years ago. Tour operators started to reap in the shark diving benefits since then. Every single year there are around $78 million that are brought into the island from tour operations. Sharks became really important and there are strong laws that protect them.


Currents at various Rock Islands dive sites are strong and you will need to use reef hooks. This will keep you from being swept away. The streams attract large quantities of smaller fish and this automatically brings in grey reef sharks, together with different other large predators.


Not many think about shark diving when thinking about Mexico but it is obvious that you will want to visit since you can see so many large fish in the waters. The sharks here are actually as large as school buses. In most cases they are solitary but during different time periods, you have the possibility of seeing more of them at the same time. For instance, in 2011, over 400 such sharks were present at one place, at the same time.

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Make sure you experience shark diving at least once in your life. It is a guarantee you will never forget it!

About the author

Boris Dzhingarov

I just love to travel, write about travel and so much more! :D Hope you enjoy my articles and Travel Tips. Feel free to comment below and get in touch with me on my blog and on Twitter!