Effective Bungee Jumping Safety Tips

If you are interested in bungee jumping, you will need to make sure that you have the proper safety equipment for your adventure. This will help you avoid injuries and other problems that could be devastating to your health. You will also need to take the time to learn about all of the safety rules that are in place to ensure that you get the most out of your bungee jumping experience.

Taking a deep breath before bungee jumping

Taking a deep breath before bungee jumping is an important safety measure. This exercise will help you calm your nerves and will reduce the risk of a panic attack. If you have trouble doing this, look for a book or a video that teaches you the technique.

In addition to taking a deep breath before bungee jump, it is also a good idea to wear a bungee harness. Using a harness will prevent bungee cords from slapping you in the face.

It is also a good idea to take a bungee jump with a friend or family member. While this may seem scary at first, it can be a lot of fun. Just think about being a part of the experience of the highest bungee jump in Macau (233 meters). Having a friend around you can help a lot.

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You should also make sure that you wear comfortable, loose clothing. Make sure your shoes are securely fastened. Ideally, you should wear a bungee harness that has a solid ankle strap.

Proper clothing for bungee jumpers

If you are planning on bungee jumping, it’s important to wear the right clothes. The sport is considered to be relatively safe when performed correctly. However, it’s not for everyone. People with joint problems, back injuries, or neck injuries may not be able to participate.

There are several different types of bungee jumps. You can jump from a mountain gondola, airplane, helicopter, or a static platform. Depending on the location, weight and health requirements can vary.

The main type of bungee jump involves a vertical jump. In order to achieve this jump, you will push off backwards and jump off the platform.

Another type of jump involves a horizontal jump. You will use a harness around your waist and legs. This harness is also connected to a bungee cable.

Body harnesses allow freedom of movement with arms and legs

Body harnesses allow for greater mobility than leg harnesses. However, they are only used in limited cases. They also have some special features you might not find elsewhere.

One of the more popular types of bungee jumping harnesses is the leg harness. These harnesses have straps that go up both legs. This allows for a great deal of movement, but may not be the most comfortable thing to wear for an extended period of time.

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Another type of bungee jumper’s harness is the arm harness. It is a little less common than the leg harness, but it is definitely in the bungee jumping arena. The arm harness is often accompanied by a body harness, as they are both used to keep the jumper upright.

Injuries that can be irreparable

Bungee jumping can be an exhilarating experience, but there are some risks involved. The best way to minimize pain and potential injuries is to land on your feet. You can also protect yourself by wearing loose-fitting clothing.

One of the biggest risks associated with bungee jumping is the impact it can have on the neck. This force can cut off the blood flow to the brain. Moreover, the intense pressure caused by the jump can damage the conjunctiva, the thin mucous membrane that covers the eye.

Other possible complications include periorbital hematomas and internal bleeding. These injuries are caused by the sudden upward jerk of the elastic chord. When this occurs, fluid can rush into the blood vessels in the eyes, causing high blood pressure.

Taking your time after a bungee jump

Bungee jumping can be a terrifying experience. But there are things you can do to minimize your risks.

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The first step is getting a harness fitted. Harnesses are typically worn around your chest, but you can also choose to wear one around your waist or your ankles. Having a harness on makes a difference in how much force your body is exerted during the jump.

You should also take the time to think about what you are about to do. Taking your first bungee jump can be a scary experience, so you want to take some time to relax and have fun.

Another important thing to remember is to keep your hands and feet off the rope. This will make it much easier for you to get back to the ground.

About the author


I love to travel and explore new places around the world. Meeting different people from various intercultural background and spending time with locals is something that makes me feel great. You can connect with me at Google+ or follow me on Twitter.