The Most Important Hiking Safety Tips To Remember

There are many safety tips to follow when going hiking. These include avoiding snakes, slipping on steep slopes, avalanches, and dehydration. If you have questions, contact the author for advice. These safety tips are a must-read before you embark on your next hike. Follow them, and you’ll be on your way to enjoying the outdoors in no time. Moreover, you’ll be more prepared to tackle any situation that may arise.

Avoiding snakes

One of the most important things to do when hiking in a snake-infested area is to wear sturdy hiking boots. Snakes find thick footwear difficult to penetrate, and plastic snake leggings are a less expensive option. Trekking poles can also be helpful in snake-infested areas. You can also carry snake repellent and other items to avoid being bitten by snakes. Avoiding snakes while hiking can help you avoid any negative effects caused by snake encounters.

The best way to avoid encountering a snake is to stay calm and avoid rushing to move too fast. A rattlesnake can lunge as far as two-thirds of its body. While walking or hiking, always stop and assess the situation. Slowly back away from the snake until it leaves. If it refuses to move, turn back and take another route. Never try to chase a snake, as they can move very quickly.

Avoiding slipping on steep slopes

The best way to avoid slipping on steep slopes while hiking is to take it slowly and scan the terrain ahead. It’s easy to become fatigued and careless, which can lead to a slip and fall. Keep the pace low and walk close together. Also, don’t forget to bring trekking poles to keep your balance. Regardless of your skill level, it’s important to avoid slipping while hiking.

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After a long ascent, many people fall while hiking, especially on stretches of downhill terrain. They let their concentration lapse and end up making mistakes that could cost them their lives. Make sure to increase your concentration level before starting the downhill section. This will ensure your safety. This trick will also prevent you from hurting yourself in the process. You can also increase your balance by walking sideways.

Avoiding avalanches

To avoid avalanches while hiking, you must know how to spot them and use avalanche gear. It is important to stay away from steep snow slopes and avoid walking in avalanche terrain. It is also important to know the terrain, which includes avalanche terrain, avalanche debris piles, and slopes that are susceptible to a slides. Avalanches start on steep slopes and can run into flat areas or trees below them. Be aware of slopes that aren’t obvious and travel slowly.

The steeper the slope, the more likely you are to be buried alive. Avalanches usually occur on slopes between 30 to 45 degrees. You should always avoid hiking on steep slopes until 36 hours after a significant snowfall. Avoid descending steep slopes and stay in valleys, or on gentler slopes. Avalanches can be as dangerous for hikers as for skiers.

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Avoiding dehydration

One of the most important aspects of hiking is staying hydrated. While drinking plenty of water is crucial for maintaining the health of your body, it can also be hazardous if you don’t drink enough. While drinking water consistently is essential to maintain your hydration levels, downing a small amount intermittently will strain your body systems and decrease your endurance, increasing your risk of dehydration. Drinking water as often as you feel thirsty is the best way to avoid dehydration while hiking.

Water is essential for maintaining hydration levels, so make sure to drink at least a gallon of water prior to your activity. Drinking water is important when hiking, because it replenishes electrolytes that you lose while hiking. Watermelon and bananas are excellent sources of potassium and calcium. Watermelon and peanuts are also good sources of protein. Make sure to hydrate yourself before you go hiking, as a hiker will lose half to one quart of fluids per hour in hot weather.

Avoiding heat stroke

Fortunately, there are a few basic steps you can take to avoid heat stroke while hiking. First, you must remember to drink plenty of water. Dehydration leads to an uncontrollable rise in body temperature. If you experience the above symptoms, call 911 or seek shady areas. It is crucial to know your limits before hiking in the heat. Even though heat stroke is usually not life-threatening, it is dangerous.

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In case you are experiencing heat exhaustion, stop hiking immediately and seek shade. Try to remove any excess clothing, especially if you are in a hot area. You can also take electrolytes or salt tablets to keep your body hydrated. Also, use a wet buff to cool your face and armpits. Alternatively, you can immerse a bandana in cool water. If there is a stream nearby, dunk the bandana in it.

Avoiding encounters with wildlife

When it comes to hiking in national parks and wildlife preserves, it’s best to stay at a safe distance. Animals rarely attack people unless provoked, and a safe distance will minimize the chance of an encounter. Keeping your distance is also important for other reasons, including avoiding noise. Whether you’re talking to your hiking companions or clacking your hiking poles together, wildlife will be aware that you’re nearby and will be likely to move away from the trail.

Bears are the most common animals that people encounter while hiking. While they are cute, they can pose serious danger. Watch the 2005 documentary “Grizzly Man” to learn how to avoid encounters with these animals. While you’re hiking, make sure to keep your dog on a leash and your children within reach. Similarly, if you have young children, keep them close to you or on a leash.

About the author


I love to travel and explore new places around the world. Meeting different people from various intercultural background and spending time with locals is something that makes me feel great. You can connect with me at Google+ or follow me on Twitter.