Family Road Trip Tips For a Smooth Journey

If you’re headed out on a family road trip this summer, make sure you prepare your car for the long drive. There are many things you’ll want to bring, including paper maps. Not only will this save you from backseat arguments, it will also help in case your phone’s signal is weak. The last thing you need is a car full of angry teenagers! So, here are some tips to make your journey as smooth as possible.


Healthy and convenient snacks are ideal for road trips, whether you’re traveling for work or to visit friends. String cheese is a great option for road trips, as it stays soft and pliable in a backpack. If you’d prefer something a little healthier, try Greek yogurt, which can be prepared to make a healthy ranch dip. Another tasty option for road trips is unsweetened apple chips, which contain fiber and beneficial phytochemicals. Whole-grain crackers are an excellent road trip snack, since they’re a good source of B vitamins and fiber.

To make road trip snacks as healthy as possible, pack fresh fruits and vegetables. Cut up veggies can be stored in a cooler, and fruit is best eaten cold. You may want to pack some ice packs for your snacks or purchase insulated lunch bags. For snacks, keep in mind your kids’ dietary needs. For instance, some children are allergic to some types of food, so pack extras. In order to prevent this problem, pack snacks that are easily digested by small children.

Depending on your travel style, you can try snacks like pretzels and Chex. The crunchy corn puffs are easily accessible and easy for little hands. Make homemade fruit roll ups instead of buying prepackaged ones. Fruit loops can be strung together to create a fun edible necklace for your children. A classic snack like peanut butter sandwiches is quick and easy to prepare but packed with sugar. If you’re traveling in a car, you may want to pack some healthy snacks for the journey.


There are many great family road trip games to play, but the best ones are the ones you can play anywhere! Try playing Rock Paper Scissors or Uno. The former can be played with just two players, and is portable and easy to carry. The latter is perfect for larger groups. Players must come up with five words that they cannot say during the journey. If they say them, the other players must guess what they are saying, with the penalty being a fun song or a few dollars for the candy fund. Both games are fun and will keep passengers entertained during a road trip.

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One of the more challenging family road trip games is the 21 Questions game. Each member of the family has to think of a certain object or person, and the other members of the family have to guess it. Once everyone has guessed correctly, the player becomes the next “hummer.”

Alphabet games can be great for traveling with children of all ages. A family road trip is the perfect opportunity for the kids to practice their alphabet skills. Alphabet games are easy to play and everyone can participate. For older children, you can play Roadway ABCs with multiple players and practice their pronunciation of the letters. The best part about this game is that it is both fun and educational! You can even include some language-learning games while on your road trip.

Stretch breaks

You should consider taking stretch breaks on a family road trip at least every two hours. Stretching helps prevent lower back pain by promoting blood circulation and releasing the body from a fixed driving position. Stops at rest areas are a good place to get out of the vehicle and stretch. If traveling with pets and small children, you’ll want to take even more frequent break times. Some ideas for stretch breaks include touching toes and brisk walking. If you have back problems, you might consider buying a lumbar support for your child’s car seat.

If possible, set aside a time when each child gets one-on-one attention. For example, you can read a book to your child while driving or do puzzles during your lunch break. Consistent positive attention decreases the likelihood of negative behavior and reduces incidents like hitting other children or throwing water bottles out the window. A few stretches every hour can prevent many arguments, so be sure to plan enough time for the breaks to be effective.

Drivers should take at least 15-minute breaks every two hours. The urge to sleep is stronger than you may think. You may even fall asleep at the wheel without realizing it. A few minutes to stretch, eat something, and drink some coffee can help you stay alert. Taking breaks during the long drive will keep your mind and body sharp and help you avoid falling asleep, which could be dangerous to you and other passengers.

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First aid kit

Before packing your family’s First Aid kit, take a moment to check that you’ve packed everything. What items have you used in the past? Are any items expired? Remove them or add new ones. Consider the age of your family and pack the appropriate medicines for their ages. If any of your family members has a history of chronic illness, make sure to include additional medications. If you have a child, be sure to pack additional medications for them, as well.

Antibiotic ointments and sleeping pills are always good to carry on a road trip. Also, don’t forget your OTC antihistamine cream – this is helpful for insect bites and minor rashes. It can also ease pain during a sunburn. Lastly, make sure to pack an extra pair of prescription eyewear and other prescription medication. Most of these items can fit in a standard toiletries pouch, so you don’t have to worry about carrying them all the time.

Whether you’re taking the family on a road trip for business or pleasure, a first aid kit can help you in an emergency. A good kit contains many basic medical supplies, including a bandage and some gauze. First aid kits can also be personalized to meet your specific needs. While a first aid kit is essential for all travelers, the contents of the kit should be tailored to fit your family’s lifestyle and budget.

Listening to music

If you’re traveling with your family, listening to music on a road trip can make the journey a more pleasant experience. There are several music streaming services available, from industry vets like Pandora and Apple to newcomers like Tidal and YouTube Red. Here are five of the best. Choose one that appeals to your family’s tastes. For example, listen to “All About That Bass” by Yoko Ono. This empowering track will stick in your head during the trip.

If you’re traveling with young children, putting music on the car stereo can help make the journey more fun. Music can also increase the time it takes to get to your destination. It can also make you feel better during the trip because it can make your mood more positive. Oftentimes, kids hate road trips, but adding music can help make the journey more pleasurable for everyone. Listed below are a few benefits of listening to music on your family road trip.

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One of the most important reasons to listen to music on a family road trip is that it can help you relax, concentrate, and bring back the best memories. Of course, you must remember to keep safety in mind and avoid singing while driving. However, if your kids are very young, listening to music on the road is a great way to keep them entertained for hours on end. You’ll be glad you did.

Packing list

When taking a road trip with your family, it is important to have all of the necessary items packed. There are many things to keep in mind, from entertainment to safety gear and snacks. Here are some helpful tips for packing for your trip. Hopefully, this list will help you plan an enjoyable and stress-free family road trip. Make sure to take the time to plan a family road trip and pack accordingly! If you have kids, consider creating a printable packing list for them.

For the youngest kids, consider purchasing a portable tray for your kids to play with. This will provide them with a surface for playing games, eating, or just napping. You may even consider buying a portable fridge to keep your food chilled while on the road. It is also a good idea to pack portable snacks. Fruits and veggies are great options, as are nuts and tea bags. Ensure that they are rationed, however, so that you don’t end up with an overflowing cooler.

The essential items for a family road trip are similar to those for any other trip. Be sure to pack a car seat for older children. Also, make sure to pack a pillow or blanket for each child. In addition to a blanket, make sure you have plenty of leg room. The last thing you want to worry about is your child getting sick, so a good first aid kit will keep everyone happy. There is no way to predict what will happen on a road trip, but you can plan ahead and bring extra medication, if needed.

About the author


I love to travel and explore new places around the world. Meeting different people from various intercultural background and spending time with locals is something that makes me feel great. You can connect with me at Google+ or follow me on Twitter.