Cycling In London – 4 Recommended Cycling Routes

When it comes to cycling in London, we are faced with quite a long history. There are so many cycling routes that are available, many known by locals and totally unknown by tourists. Also, special laws were enforced to protect and inform cyclists.

If you want to go cycling in London, you will surely end up feeling a little overwhelmed by the opportunities that are currently available. In order to offer a lending hand, let us look at 4 interesting London cycling routes you may want to consider.

Olympic Park And Thames Path

Thames Path

You can cycle to the Olympic Park and start your tour at the Greenwich Cutty Sark. Take the Thames Path towards East, past Royal Naval College, pass the Millennium Dome and head towards Woolwich. Follow Capital Ring towards Pudding Mill Lane. The Olympic velodrome will become visible as you head north from there.

Richmond Park

Richmond Park

London has really congested roads and there are many that love cycling and that cannot battle the traffic. If you are among them, check out this route as Richmond Park offers a lot of breathing space, covering close to one thousand hectares. This is the largest of the Royal Parks and offers a really interesting set of cycling routes for Londoners and tourists. There are some paths that are designated and include cycle lanes, many appearing after the launch of skyrides. If you feel particularly adventurous, we recommend Tamsin Trail. It is 7.5 miles long and will even take you off-road through steep descents that cover various locations, taking you to Wimbledon gates. In most cases the ride takes 1 hour.

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Limehouse Towards Little Venice


You can always choose a canal network in London if you want to escape the traffic and the smog. Starting in Limehouse, right by the Marina yachts is great. Head on towards north past the Mile End look. Then, go through Dalston and follow the canal, moving towards Camden Town. You will past Regent’s Park and then go up towards Grand Union Canal. The stop is at Little Venice. A full cycling ride takes you through 8 miles and you can also have a variation by hopping on a canal boat when you are at Paddington Basin.

Box Hill

Box Hill

If you want to try some Olympic road biking, you can simply go for Box Hill in Surrey. It is a route that is 15.5 km, covered 9 times by the Olympic cyclists. Most people will just take the tour once and will need rest afterwards. However, Box Hill is challenging and you will love it after you get to the top since the views are quite spectacular. Also, the descent will be a lot of fun.

Make sure that you try these London cycling routes for some diversity. You will, most likely, love them all.

About the author

Boris Dzhingarov

I just love to travel, write about travel and so much more! :D Hope you enjoy my articles and Travel Tips. Feel free to comment below and get in touch with me on my blog and on Twitter!