Cycling Options In New York State

There are basically thousands of different mountain trails and roads that are perfect for cycling in New York State. Based on what you want to experience, it is hard not to think about the following:

  • Hudson Valley – featuring great views of the Hudson River, moderate hills, historic estates to notice and farm landscapes.
  • Catskill Mountain region – perfect off-trail riding opportunities available in Mohonk Preserve and the Minnewaska State Park Preserve. If you are a hardcore road biker, you want to try the Reservoir Loop Trail.
  • Finger Lakes – it is perfect if you are a biker that is looking for wonderful sights since these lakes are tremendous. There are various scenic lake loops available, wineries and even shopping opportunities. We highly recommend the Cayuga lake loop (100 miles) and the Skaneateles Lake loop (40 miles).
  • Plattekill Mountain – this is a great mountain biking location, one of the top five in the North America continent. If you want to go mountain biking, you can also consider Hunter and Windham mountains.
  • Catskill Scenic Trail – you want to be on this trail in the event that you are looking for easy cycling opportunities. There is a 19 miles road called Rails To Trails and if you are looking for a really long experience, the 450 miles Seaway Trail is definitely impressive.
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Hudson Valley cycling

Make sure that you also put down the New York State Canal System trail if you want to go cycling in New York State. There are basically 230 trail miles that go through upstate New York. You can take advantage of various multiuse trails that are of various lengths, covering some of the areas that were highlighted above. We warmly recommend being a part of Old Erie Canal State Park, Hudson-Mohawk Bikeway and the Erie Canal Heritage Trail, one located in Finger Lakes.

Hudson Valley

Obviously, you want to also think about the experience that is offered by New York City. Most of those that love biking in the city will go for the Central Park 6.25 miles loop, which can be considered a classic cycling destination for cyclers. There are also many joggers and skaters that are on the loop.

On the whole, we can say that New York State is a perfect destination in the event that you are looking for tremendous cycling opportunities and you do want to take as much time as possible to build your very own itinerary.

About the author

Boris Dzhingarov

I just love to travel, write about travel and so much more! :D Hope you enjoy my articles and Travel Tips. Feel free to comment below and get in touch with me on my blog and on Twitter!