Adventure seekers that love hiking have so many incredible options available. Some hiking trails are incredibly dangerous and challenging. This is what makes them so appealing. Every single one of the hiking trails mentioned below are scary, treacherous, captivating and sure to send tingles upon your spine. Obviously, making a list of those that are the most dangerous will leave out many that you may see as being even more dangerous. The degree of subjectivity is definitely high. Even so, any one of these would be a great experience.
Mt. Huashan Cliffside Plank Path – China
There is no list of dangerous hiking trails that does not include this one. It is seen by many as being the most dangerous the world has to offer. The Cliffside plank path features wooden boards that are bolted right into the sheer cliff. It is around 200 feet long and the height is around 2,000 feet. It is challenging to reach this plank path of the trail since various vertical climbing steps would have to be conquered before. You would use a safety harness. It is not at all recommended that you do so without one.
Taghia – Morocco
All the canyons and mountains here are steep and unforgiving. It will be hard to find water as you climb and the heights of the trails are high. If you are faced even with a minor accident you could be in serious problems. Just those that are highly experienced should consider travelling to Taghia for a hiking adventure.
Taghia has been evolving in the last years. Cables were added and the routes are generally safer. However, this should not make you think it will be easy.
El Caminito Del Rey – Spain
Caminito Del Rey (also known as Camino Del Rey, King’s Pathway and El Caminito Del Rey) is highly dangerous. The trail was constructed in the year 1905 with the purpose of helping hydroelectric power plant workers to cross between falls and transport materials. The problem is that this trail is over 100 years old. It is not at all properly maintained. It is now off limits and the government is working to renovate it. Safety guide wires are recommended though.
Maroon Bells – Colorado
This is a trail made out of North Maroon Peak and Maroon Peak. It is close to Aspen but few of the tourists that want to go skiing in the area will try it. The problem is that the trail features many rocks that are not stable. Also, the hike is really long, around 11 hours long. It is challenging at a technical, physical and mental level. You have to be careful about everything and should be focused on the trail every single second.
Huyana Picchu – Peru
Huyana Piucchu is 1,180 feet over Machu Picchu. There is a 1,000 feet staircase climbing to it on a distance that is lower than one mile. That means it is really steep. This trail is highly treacherous and locals will refer to it as Hike Of Death. Those that do finish the trail will be rewarded with incredible Machu Picchu views.