Scuba Diving In The Red Sea – Best Diving Sites And Quick Tips

According to many diving enthusiasts, the Red Sea offers some of the very best diving options in the entire world. The diving is great mainly because the area is a part of the beautiful Great Rift Valley. This runs from Israel close to Equator south. The sea is quite deep, reaching close to 3000 meters. That is why we have many small islands that are great, like the Brothers. Diving options are available quite far away from land, with many being formed by volcanic actions when the rift opened.

Most of the Red Sea diving is going to be divided in two areas. This is what we will cover below, highlighting the very best diving sites available in the Red Sea.

North Red Sea Diving Destinations

There are three main diving destinations that you will want to consider. These are Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh and Dahab (this one is the most popular and the most relaxed one). You can find some really great wreck scuba diving in Sharm El Sheikh. You can visit Thistelgorm Wreck, which is among the very best of the world’s wreck dives. Close enough you can visit Ras Mohammed National Park. This is where you can find beautiful coral formations and wall diving opportunities.

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If you dive from Egypt, you want to visit Hurghada as the second largest diving site. The conditions are wonderful for scuba diving learning and wreck diving. There are actually four wrecks you will love in Abu Nahas Reef. Dahab will be a little more to the north, with a highly chilled out atmosphere. The Dahab Blue Hole is the main attraction there.

South Red Sea Diving Destinations

This area offers diving options that are less popular but this does not mean they are not great. The dive sites are less crowded so you are definitely going to enjoy it more if you want some remote scuba diving. The reefs here are pristine and many of the dive sites offer superb coral filled with marine life.

People that visit are normally experienced scuba divers that are interested in world class diving. The most important gateway to scuba diving in the south part of the Red Sea is Marsa Alam. You can find some of the very best Egypt diving there and can encounter the curious and rare Oceanic Whitetip Shark, reef sharks and Hammerhead Sharks. You will want to consider Abu Dabbab as you can see the endangered and really rare Dugong or some Giant Sea Turtles. In Fury Shoals you will find pristine reefs and swimming with dolphins is going to be available at the special Dolphins House reef.

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Keep in mind that if you are going to go scuba diving from Egypt, which is the most common option, you will end up having to pay a fee just to enter the country. Also, it is highly recommended to tip the dive crew. This just offers better service and more information you can use.

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I love to travel and explore new places around the world. Meeting different people from various intercultural background and spending time with locals is something that makes me feel great. You can connect with me at Google+ or follow me on Twitter.